We are so excited to get started! Our staff: Kathy, Hilary, Jessica, Janey, Kelley and Terri have our room clean and ready to start a new preschool year. Classes start of September 5th & 6th.

September is going to be full of exciting new adventures and getting to know each other. We will tour the church, learn our classroom rules, meet new friends and try lots of new and exciting things.

Please stop by and say “Hi” to the Teachers they are anxious to get to know all our families.

If you have friends that have children between the ages of 3-5, please let them know about our wonderful program. We have opened 3 spots in our program, (1 in our Monday/Wednesday/Friday Afternoon class and 2 in our Tuesday/Thursday morning class) and would love to show them our program. We have a “reward” for enrolled families who refer new children to our program, talk to Ms. Kathy for details.

Don’t forget to “LIKE US” on Facebook to follow our adventures.